Download Aquatic Chemistry Concepts by James F. Pankow MOBI, EPUB


Aquatic Chemistry Concepts fills the need for a true, easy-to-use aquatic chemistry book that goes into the details behind some of the complicated equations and principles of aquatic chemistry. It places established science into a text that allows you to learn and to solve important practical environmental problems. Environmental consultants in all fields, regulators, and libraries will consider this text an excellent reference for its clear explanation of aquatic chemistry principles., Filling the need for an accessible, easy-to-use book on the topic, this volume delves into the details behind some of the complicated equations and principles of aquatic chemistry. It examines the chemistry of natural water systems such as lakes and rivers, along with the chemistry of rainwater. Highlights in the new edition include an increased focus on the Electroneutrality Equation (ENE), metal adsorption to solid surfaces, and general aspects of the acid/base chemistry of blood and other physiological fluids. Solved problems are included in every chapter, making this an excellent reference for clear explanations of aquatic chemistry principles.

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