Furniture with Soul : Master Woodworkers and Their Craft DJV, MOBI, DOC


Constitutional Law of South Africa is the most widely cited treatise, domestically and internationally, on South African constitutional law. Its 77 chapters and 5 volumes cover every dimension of court practice (ie, standing, costs, remedies, amici), core principles that animate the basic law (ie, democracy, legality, the rule of law, co-operative governance), institutional constitutional law (ie, national governance, provincial governance, municipal governance, (as well as the unique independent entities designed to support constitutional democracy) and all of the operational provisions (ie, application, interpretation, limitations) and substantive provisions of the Bill of Rights (ie, equality, dignity, expression, and health, housing, water, education). Constitutional Law of South Africa distinguishes itself through sustained engagement with its subject matter. Not content to reiterate black letter law, this treatise offers complete, subtle good faith reconstructions of legal doctrine and alternative readings of constitutional provisions where required and appropriate analysis of government policy and legislation. Constitutional Law of South Africa achieves its place amongst the premier treatises in the field through this comprehensive treatment of the case law and relevant statutes, a thorough review of the secondary literature; and the authors ability to draw on relevant international and comparative jurisprudence. Constitutional Law of South Africa fills a unique space in the South African and international legal academy as well as the profession. ABOUT THE EDITORS Stu Woolman, Editor-in-Chief, and primary author, is Professor and Elizabeth Bradley Chair of Ethics, Governance and Sustainable Development at the University of Witwatersrand. He is also Academic Director, Symposia and Colloquia, of the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International Law and founding editor of the Constitutional Court Review. He holds degrees in philosophy and in law from Wesleyan University, Columbia University, Columbia Law School and the University of Pretoria. He is the author of two monographs - The Constitution in the Classroom: Law and Education in South Africa, 1994-2008 and The Selfless Constitution: Experimentalism and Flourishing as Foundations of South Africas Basic Law. He is co-editor and co-author of several collections - Constitutional Conversations; The Business of Sustainable Development in Africa, Is This Seat Taken? Conversations at the Bar, the Bench and the Academy about the South African Constitution and The Dignity Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of South Africa Michael Bishop, Managing Editor, holds degrees in law and philosophy from the University of Pretoria and Columbia Law School. He is a Member of the Cape Bar and practices as counsel for the Legal Resources Centres Constitutional Litigation Unit. He is an Honorary Research Associate at the Department of Public Law of the University of Cape Town, an editor of the Constitutional Court Review and the author of chapters on constitutional law for Jutas Quarterly Review, the Annual Survey of South African Law and Superior Court Practice., Explores the philosophy, career, and the pivotal moments of struggle and inspiration of ten top craftspeople. This title shines the spotlight on some of the world's best woodworkers, including John Makepeace, John Cederquist, Jack Larimore, Gary Knox Bennett, and Peter Danko. 'Furniture with Soul' follows in the grand tradition of two other classic Kodansha books, 'Sam Maloof: Woodworker' and 'The Soul of a Tree: A Master Woodworker's Reflections' by George Nakashima. Both books have inspired several generations of contemporary artists working in wood, including, Furniture with Soul follows in the grand tradition of two other classic Kodansha books, Sam Maloof: Woodworker and The Soul of a Tree: A Master Woodworker's Reflections by George Nakashima. Both books have inspired several generations of contemporary artists working in wood, including most of the artists in the present book. Written by respected woodworker David Savage, who will soon host a BBC special on the subject, Furniture with Soul explores the philosophy, career, And The pivotal moments of struggle and inspiration of ten top craftspeople. Savage travelled throughout the United States and Britain to interview renowned artists in the field with candour and an uncompromising eye. As he puts it, "The craftspeople featured in this book have lived lives dedicated To The creation of objects that will fill us with awe and wonder. These makers are at once artists and designers and top-of-the-line craftspeople, creating handcrafted objects in the small workshop or studio, stretching artistic boundaries, uninterested in mass-produced products. Their pursuit is excellence And The individuality that will make their work a landmark of our age." Savage shines the spotlight on some of the world's best woodworkers, including John Makepeace, John Cederquist, Jack Larimore, Gary Knox Bennett, and Peter Danko. With a telling eye and refreshing intimacy, he reveals the thinking, creative process, how each found his or her voice, and their rise to prominence. Savage seeks to illuminate the soul of the artists' work, And The concrete and inspirational moments of their lives that shaped them., In Furniture with Soul, author David Savage explores the philosophies, careers, and pivotal moments of struggle and inspiration for today's most talented and influential woodworkers. He traveled throughout the U.S. and Britain to interview these renowned artists, including John Makepeace, John Cederquist, Jack Larimore, Judy Kensley McKie, Michael Hurwitz, Tom Hucker, Rupert Williamson, Gary Knox Bennett, and Peter Danko. With a telling eye and refreshing intimacy, he reveals their thinking, creative processes, and rise to prominence. He takes the reader into their workshops and their hearts. Savage seeks to illuminate the soul of the artists' work, and the influences and experiences that shaped them.

Ebook David Savage - Furniture with Soul : Master Woodworkers and Their Craft TXT, EPUB, FB2

Perforated pages facilitate student use and easy handling of homework, and the workbook also includes more than 120 color illustrations.Thus, in addition to chapters on New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore, this volume contains critical urban chapters on less-studied cities such as Lahore, Islamabad, Kathmandu, Colombo and Dhaka.The book s beautiful pages are functional too, helping runners set season and race goals, plan and record runs, see what works and what doesn t, keep honest when no one s looking, and prove when the work s been done.This is not Bambi !, All Thats Left to Know About the Who What Where When and of Americas Favorite Mountain Town.The dearth of other literature on the intersection of religion, politics and violence in contemporary South and Southeast Asia makes the timing of this book particularly relevant.She had a remarkable grasp of the issues that plagued her state and, with deep faith in the power of government to foster social justice, developed innovative ways to address those problems despite real financial, political, and social barriers to progress.